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    The ultimate aesthetic interest questionnaire template for your clinic


    With new skincare treatments popping up all over social media, clients are becoming more curious than ever. But let’s be real — it can sometimes feel like a guessing game trying to figure out exactly which procedure they’re after and, more importantly, the results they dream of when they leave your office.

    Asking the right questions can make your job easier, especially when you’re working with clients in the aesthetics world, where expectations can often reach for the stars (and beyond at times). 

    Instead of playing detective through multiple consultations, why not get ahead of the game? 

    With a pre-consultation interest questionnaire, you’ll be able to better understand whether they qualify for the treatment they’re after, and you can be more prepared for what your scheduled appointment will look like. 

    This will help you zero in on their needs so you can deliver the exact results they’re hoping for — and you can cut on all the back-and-forth.

    Why an effective aesthetic interest questionnaire is important

    A well-crafted aesthetic interest questionnaire is a game-changer for clinics. It helps you really get to know what your clients are after, making consultations easier and quicker, meaning you’ll be able to recommend the perfect treatments without going around in circles. 

    Having the right questions in your form answered early on sets the stage for you to deliver personalized results that keep clients happy.

    Personalizing treatment plans

    With your experience in the industry, you already know there’s no one-size-fits-all treatment plan. Every client is different, and being able to personalize their treatment — or at least have a solid direction — makes all the difference. 

    This way, you’ll be delivering better results and gain some loyal customers. Retention is everything, right?

    Improving communication

    Customizing your clients’ treatments makes a world of difference, but interest questionnaires also improve the communication between your team and your clients. 

    We all know how it goes: clients walk in with expectations shaped by glossy online images, which, if we’re honest, are very often different in reality.

    Establishing better communication right from the start will help everyone get on the same page. Instead of dealing with potential misunderstandings, you’ll be a step closer to delivering results.

    Streamlining consultations

    Streamlining consultations is all about working smarter, not harder! Using a questionnaire alongside the right clinic software, you can gather essential client information before the appointment, saving valuable time. 

    With practice management software like Pabau, you can do this and much more. For starters, it lets you store all this valuable client information in their records! This means you can access everything you need to know about your clients with just a few taps on your phone or clicks on your laptop

    This allows you to focus on what really matters: providing the best care and advice to your clients right from the start!

    Key components of an aesthetic interest questionnaire + questions to ask

    When it comes to creating an effective aesthetic interest questionnaire, there are a few key components that can make all the difference.

    Being thorough and including each component will ultimately help you deliver better treatments to clients. Plus, this is a step towards collecting positive patient feedback post-treatment.

    So, let’s see what you need to include in these questionnaires.

    1. Personal information

    First and foremost, we have the basics. Essential information like the patient’s name, age, and contact details help you personalize their experience, make it easy to follow up, and keep them informed about their treatments. 

    2. Areas of concern

    Asking patients about specific areas of their appearance they’d like to address or improve will help you understand their priorities and focus on what matters most to them. 

    Here are a few examples of questions you might include:

    • What specific areas of your face or body are you most concerned about? (Double chin, lip appearance, brown spots/age spots, etc.)
    • Are there any features you’d like to enhance or alter?
    • How do you feel about the overall appearance of your skin?
    • Are there any particular issues (like wrinkles, sagging, or pigmentation) you’d like to discuss?
    • What changes would you like to see after your treatment?

    3. Desired outcomes

    It’s super important that both you and your clients are on the same page about what they want to achieve. After all, it’s their body and their goals! 

    To make sure you’re prepared for their appointment, consider adding a section to your interest questionnaire where they can share a bit more about their desired outcomes, so you can rest assured patient satisfaction will be at an all-time high.

    Here are some questions you could use:

    • How do you envision your appearance after completing the treatment?
    • Are you looking for a subtle enhancement or a more noticeable change?
    • What is your main motivation for seeking this treatment — confidence, comfort, or something else?
    • What are your expectations for the treatment results?
    • What are your concerns or reservations about the treatment process?

    4. Previous treatments

    It’s helpful to learn about any past aesthetic procedures a patient has had. This can give you insights into their expectations, treatment history, and potential sensitivities. 

    Here are some questions you can ask:

    • Have you undergone any aesthetic procedures in the past, such as botox injections, laser treatments, or surgery? Please list chemical peel treatments as well.
    • If so, can you please describe the procedures and when they were performed?
    • What were the results of those treatments, and were you satisfied with them?
    • Did you experience any side effects or complications?
    • How long ago were these treatments performed?
    • Are there any before-and-after photos you can share?

    5. Lifestyle and health considerations

    Gathering information about your patients’ lifestyles and habits can help you identify any potential risks before they even step into your office. As we’re sure you already know, these factors can influence the healing process and treatment outcomes, and they carry significant potential risks.

    Here are some questions to consider adding:

    • What is your general state of health? Do you have any chronic health conditions?
    • Do you smoke or consume alcohol? If so, how often?
    • Are you taking any medications or supplements?
    • How active are you? Do you exercise regularly?
    • Are you exposed to the sun frequently? Do you use sunscreen?
    • Do you have any allergies or sensitivities?

    6. Treatment preferences

    Each patient’s comfort level is different. Some might be okay with invasive procedures like surgery or injectables, while others prefer staying on the non-invasive side with lasers and topical cream treatments. Discussing this can help you gain your patients’ trust, especially those who tend to get more anxious.

    You could use some of the following questions:

    • Are you open to invasive procedures, like surgery or injections?
    • Do you prefer non-invasive treatments, such as lasers or topical creams?
    • Do you have any concerns about invasive/noninvasive procedures?
    • Are there any specific types of treatments you have heard of or are interested in?
    • Are there specific treatments you would like to avoid?

    Customizable aesthetic interest questionnaire template for clinics

    Facilitate your client questionnaires seamlessly with Pabau

    Interest questionnaires are an important step in your practice workflow. They can speed up and make your day-to-day operations more efficient, and they can help you understand your clients better before they even step into your office!

    Doing them manually can be a daunting task, especially during busy hours! Instead, with clinic management software like Pabau, you can create these from scratch and automatically send them out before each treatment.

    Each aesthetic specialist on your team can create a patient interest questionnaire based on their specialty, whether they specialize in contouring, injecting dermal fillers, or simply giving advice on skin care products that clients should use.

    Why not simplify and automate your pre-treatment process? Instead of wasting time on Q&A each time a new patient comes in, you have more time to provide excellent treatments.

    Pabau can help with this and more, so book a demo today and start using all-in-one clinic management software to automate your workflows.

    What you should do now

    1. Schedule a Demo to see how Pabau can help your team.
    2. Read more clinic management articles in our blog.
    3. If you know someone who’d enjoy this article, share it with them via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.

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