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    The power of automated pre and aftercare emails for medspa practices

    automated pre and aftercare emails

    A day in the life with a medspa business – clients coming in and out, constant communication with colleagues, phones ringing, making orders to stock up, administering treatments with maximum focus…

    And on top of all this, you need time to put your thoughts together to send out emails with treatment guidelines. 

    Sending out pre- and aftercare emails is an important part of patient care, but with so many things going on, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

    But what if we told you that you can handle all of this (and much more, but we’ll save the extras for later 😏) using just one system, through automation?

    Our practice management system, Pabau, can help you cross this off your never-ending to-do list. Click a button, and send out all the information your clients need before or after their treatment. And yes, you can do this in bulk, don’t worry. 

    After all, client retention is just as crucial as any other part of running a successful business, right?

    The importance of pre and aftercare communication

    According to Digitalis Medical, automation tools allow you to map out customer actions in advance and set up specific responses. 

    For instance, when someone visits your website and books an appointment for a certain treatment, you can automate everything that follows. These automated steps can lead to more successful treatments, patient safety, an overall better experience in your clinic, and much more.

    Communication with clients is essential in the medspa industry. Proactively reaching out prepares clients for what to expect from treatments and ensures optimal results. 

    Automating this part of your operations can save you precious time, keep your clients close, and make their overall experience with your services even smoother than a freshly done facial.✨

    Why pre-treatment communication matters

    Staying connected with clients before their treatment is key to achieving the best possible results, and we understand the struggles medical personnel are experiencing.

    According to an article by Grazitti, one of the challenges health providers face is the varying levels of health literacy among clients. Some may be well-versed in specific procedures, while others might be completely new to the experience.

    But, depending on the treatment, it’s often critical to inform clients of what they should or shouldn’t do before their appointment. Miss an instruction and a procedure can have less effective (or even negative) results.

    For example, if a client books a Hydrafacial, many medspas recommend the following precautions:

    • Avoid laser or chemical peel treatments for at least two weeks before the Hydrafacial.
    • Minimize sun exposure, particularly by avoiding tanning beds.
    • Refrain from using exfoliants for at least two days prior to the appointment.
    • Wait at least two weeks after receiving filler or Botox before getting a Hydrafacial.

    While these examples might seem like common sense, some clients — especially those new to treatments like fillers or Botox — may need extra guidance. 

    Sending an automated precare email whenever these services are booked heightens the chances of your clients getting the best results, and you’ve covered your bases. Pre-care? Pre-pared! 👌

    medspa precare email template

    The role of after-care in client satisfaction

    Your role as a medical professional goes beyond delivering treatments — clients also count on you for clear aftercare guidance. 

    For example, most medspas share some of the following with their clients as aftercare guidance for Hydrafacials:

    • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for 72 hours, and apply SPF30 or higher sunscreen. 
    • Stop using Retin-A or tretinoin for 48 hours. 
    • Avoid waxing and depilatories for 48 hours. 
    • Hold off on chemical peels and laser treatments for two weeks.

    This puts their minds at ease and also eliminates your uncertainties about whether you’ve covered everything. The results will speak for themselves, and happy clients are still the best form of advertising. 🌸

    medspa aftercare email template

    Benefits of automating pre and aftercare emails

    Here’s where automation makes a difference. Showing your dedication by guiding clients before they even arrive or ensuring they’re on the right track after they leave is invaluable. 

    The best part? You set it up once and let it run, freeing up time to focus on what matters most (watching TikTok trends, am I right?).

    Consistency and reliability

    Whether it’s a non-invasive procedure or routine check-ups, sending clients a pre- or aftercare email or SMS helps build trust and reliability. 

    You can use these automated reminder emails to send an instant confirmation that includes resources and pre- or aftercare instructions, invite clients to educational webinars, or send follow-up emails. This shows that you’re committed to their well-being and consider them your regulars; consistency encourages them to return and bring others along. 

    In short, a strong relationship = more repeat clients.

    Time and resource efficiency

    It’s not just about your clients – you stand to benefit, too! Having an automation workflow set saves you time and energy, letting you skip the manual outreach for every appointment.

    Personalizing the client experience

    Automation also means you can simplify and enhance your clients’ journey

    Whether it’s pre- and aftercare instructions, consent forms, appointment reminders, or feedback requests, automating these tasks takes them off your plate. 

    With our practice management system, Pabau, you can easily personalize communication based on the appointment type, so each client gets the information they need at the right time. 

    You can even collect testimonials after treatments which you can use to help you improve your online presence beyond social media.

    And the best part? You don’t have to pay extra for any of our automation features – it’s built into our system. 

    Encouraging repeat business and referrals

    Reaching out to clients throughout their journey shows exceptional care, making it more likely they’ll return – and recommend you to others. A well-cared-for client is your best testimonial.

    How to write an effective automated email

    Creating an automated email that feels personal and helpful doesn’t have to be complicated – and we have some tips on how to knock it out of the park on your first try!

    • ✉️ Nail the subject line
      Keep it short and sweet, something along the lines of “Your aftercare tips are here!” Clear and catchy wins every time.
    • 👋 Use a warm and welcoming greeting
      Start with a friendly “Hi [Client’s Name]!”—personal and inviting right from the get-go. We’ll teach you how to use merge tags in Pabau, it’s really useful! 😉
    • 📋 Get to the important stuff fast
      Dive straight into what they need to know. Use bullet points for easy reading and keep things simple.
    •  💼 Keep it friendly but professional
      You’re the expert, but no need to be too formal. Write like you’re talking to a friend – helpful but not stuffy.
    • 💌 Make it personal
      Mention their name and their specific treatment to show you care (even if it’s automated!).
    • 😊 Use a call to action (CTA)
      Give them a clear next step, like booking a follow-up or just asking if they need more info. Keep it polite and clear.

    How Pabau enhances pre and aftercare communication

    Automated emails don’t have to be cold and generic – Pabau offers a lot of ways to make them personal. Our Automations feature is among the best Pabau features so far, and we’ll show you how being in constant contact can improve the customer experience.

    Customizable email templates and a pre-built template library

    With Pabau, practices can customize email templates to fit the unique needs of their clients and treatments, with no need to pay extra for email marketing platforms like Mailchimp.

    Whether it’s precare instructions or post-treatment guidelines, you can adjust the communication to make it feel personal and relevant. If you’re pressed for time, Pabau’s pre-built template library has you covered. 

    You didn’t think we’d let you wander, did you? 

    Setting up automations for routine communication

    Say goodbye to sending emails manually!

    Pabau’s automation features can help you to set up consistent pre- and aftercare communications without lifting a finger – you can even greet new customers, send out post-purchase emails, and, best of all – use Pabau’s Automations to make upsells.

    This frees you to focus on delivering exceptional treatments while building stronger client relationships.

    Appointment reminders and scheduling

    One thing we’ve heard a lot from our clients is the struggle with no-shows. 

    Pabau has appointment reminders and scheduling woven into its communication tools, so you can remind your clients prior to their appointments or set up deposits (yeah, we have that, too 🦚). 

    Patient intake forms

    Using Pabau’s intake forms can solve any requirements you might have from clients before they even show up to their appointments. 

    With these customizable patient intake forms, your team will be prepared, and you’ll know the appointment will run smoothly.

    Sending educational content

    Building trust with your client base takes a lot of effort, as we’re sure you know. 

    Pabau makes it easier to send out educational content for precare and aftercare, as well as the benefits of treatments you’re offering.

    If you want to go the extra mile, you can use Pabau’s feature to send out educational video content. This helps to keep your clients informed, and it’s the best method, instead of sharing written text, they can see the guidelines for themselves. 

    Having your clients be well-informed about the treatments brings you closer to getting perfect results each time. Ultimately, this has the power to bring you one of the most powerful marketing tools — word of mouth.  

    In addition to building a reputation for yourself and your business, this can help calm the nerves of your more anxious clients — and trust us, this doesn’t go unnoticed.

    Patient feedback

    Want to know how your clients really feel? 

    Pabau’s patient feedback tools allow you to gather post-treatment reviews. These insights are invaluable in refining your services, client satisfaction, and keeping your medspa at the top of its game.

    Matching specific emails to specific treatments

    We might be a one-in-all software, but there are no one-size-fits-all emails here. 

    Pabau enables you to match specific emails to particular treatments, so your clients can get information that’s relevant to their exact needs. 

    PabauAI – simplifying the writing process

    And we saved the best for last – did you know Pabau has its own AI integrated into the system, and you can create lots of things with it, ranging from creating service descriptions and email templates all the way to customizing pre and aftercare templates? 👀

    With a couple of simple sentences, you can rephrase and make the content bigger and more descriptive, and you can do this while sipping your coffee instead of wasting precious time. 


    Streamline your pre and aftercare communication with Pabau

    Pabau makes keeping in touch with your clients effortless. From precare instructions to aftercare follow-ups, you’ll send the right message at the right time – without lifting a finger! 

    Automate the routine, personalize the details, and watch your client relationships thrive. Want to see it in action?

    Book a demo and discover how Pabau can simplify your workflow and wow your clients.

    What you should do now

    1. Schedule a Demo to see how Pabau can help your team.
    2. Read more clinic management articles in our blog.
    3. If you know someone who’d enjoy this article, share it with them via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.

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