We are excited to announce our new series of webinars that are designed to educate both current and new users of Pabau CRM on CRM basics, how-to’s, and best practices. The webinars will also include demos of Pabau CRM’s new features and updates, and show how other customers are using Pabau CRM.
The Education section will keep us one step closer to you and our purpose is to provide the most effective educational sessions for you to be able to work seamlessly on your Pabau account, and we think we have chosen the perfect topics.
In an era where everyone’s schedule is so busy and dynamic, it’s critical that we make things easy for you and the best way to do this is by making sure we have provided the best training to you and your colleagues. No matter if you’re an administrator, manager, practitioner or scheduler, there is something in store for everyone.
You’ll have access in 2020 to more information, more advice, and more technical knowledge about your practice management. You’ll also have different timings and topics at your beck and call where you can learn things that you previously never would have thought of using, and we will also offer links to resources you can use to help discover and develop those skills.
How will you know the webinar timings?
We have implemented the Training feature that you can find by logging on your Pabau account, click Setup (top right corner of the homepage) and access the Training icon. We will be adding all the given times for each upcoming week, where you can also register. We will be also sending out newsletters every now and then, in order to keep you updated for newly added topics.
How can you register?
An overview of the training topics
1. Basic System Configuration
Audience: General users and administrators
This session will provide training on basic configuration as well as basic navigation of the system: creating users, adjusting user’s permissions, adding services and products (with and without master categories), creating packages, accessing the User Guide. We will explore the entire Setup screen and access the most used areas.
2. Basic Start-Up Training
Audience: General users and administrators
This training session is to kick start your Pabau journey, and suitable for anyone starting off with the system, ideal for new starters to Pabau, reception staff, therapists and anyone who needs to know how to book. It covers all the core features you will need on a daily basis such as: navigating the calendar, scheduling team members, appointments, point of sale, overview of the client card, basic reports.
3. Staff management
Audience: Administrators and managers
This training session is a must for any clinic manager or supervisor because it will equip you with all the steps you need to maximize the staffing features and functions on the system. Learn how to add a new staff member, organize pins, adjust permissions, schedule shifts and holidays, set access levels commission structures and manage HR information.
4. Advanced financials
Audience: General users and administrators
This training session is a fantastic opportunity to equip your finance department with all the steps you need to manage your financials through Pabau. You will be trained on: generating invoices, finding invoices, adding and removing items from invoices, taking payments, raising credit notes, creating an open invoice, emailing an invoice, printing off an invoice, basic & advanced accounts reporting.
5. Stock Management
Audience: General users and administrators
This training session is a chance to make managing stock a simple and easy task. Stock is one of the largest spend for clinics outside of rent & wages so its vital we are tracking and recording product movements as much as possible to generate effective ordering and aid with stock security as well as having accurate product reports. We will cover: stock control, inventory counts, creating and receiving orders, setting up suppliers, auto consumption.
6. Advanced Reports training
Audience: General users and administrators
This training session is a fantastic opportunity to look at how the report feature works. Pabau reports provide data and organize information to help you run your business better. We will demonstrate how to build advanced reports within Pabau and how to use custom fields to your advantage.
7. Patient Journey / Pabau App
Audience: All users
In this session we will be demonstrating how to use the Pabau App. We will be covering the EMR section as a chance for all our app users to learn how to manage all five steps of the patient journey. We will also show you how you can carry around your appointment book, clients notes, photo history and more!
8. Online Booking
Audience: General users and administrators
In this module we will demonstrate how to setup, launch and get the most out of your Pabau Online booking portal, whilst taking things one step further to allow your portal to act as a client area. We will cover: configuring Online Booking settings, Pabau Connect settings, make services bookable online, promote the Online Booking system, setting up a Client Area, Facebook Booking Widget.
9. Medical forms
Audience: General users and administrators
In this training session we will demonstrate the basics of building/editing Medical Forms. These include treatment forms, consent forms, medical questionnaires, Epaper, prescription, lab request forms. We will cover all the key features you will need to build the perfect form within Pabau.
10. Marketing
Audience: General users and administrators
This training session is a chance to familiarize yourself with all the interactive online and social features we have for your clients. Learn how Pabau can help you maximize your online presence through campaigns, gift vouchers and automatic review requests.
11. Lead management
Audience: General users and administrators
In this session we will go through Pabau’s Lead System which will help you manage your leads from creating them to turning them into active clients. We will discuss: Integrating leads into website, creating a lead, setting up lead statuses, converting leads, creating Lead Groups, lead reports.
12. Building templates
Audience: General users and administrators
Users will be taught the following: navigating to the Templates page, creating new document folders, creating Microsoft, where to find template source codes and how to use these, creating document from a patient’s page, emailing, printing and attaching documents, creating appointment confirmation and reminder letters.
We’re excited to launch new webinars every week. Stay tuned for more information on the next series.