

    8 Pabau features that help private practices save time

    Time management is a crucial aspect of running a successful private practice.

    But with countless tasks and responsibilities demanding your attention as a healthcare professional, the clock probably always seems to be working against you. 

    However, not working as efficiently can have a serious impact on your business. Delays and inefficiencies can impact the quality of client care, hinder productivity, and even affect the overall success of your practice. Addressing these challenges is business critical.

    Fortunately, practice management software, like Pabau, has emerged as a valuable tool in reducing these time management challenges for private practices. Click here to skip straight to the Pabau features you’ll love, otherwise let’s start with the challenges…

    Main challenges of private practices

    Appointment scheduling

    • Inefficient booking system: Outdated or inefficient booking systems can lead to errors, double-bookings, and confusion among staff and patients. 
    • Cancellations and rescheduling: Accommodating patient preferences for specific healthcare providers or appointment times adds complexity to scheduling. 
    • Sending pre-care and aftercare instructions: When it comes to private practices, patients need to receive communication ahead of their appointment, and afterwards. 
    • Communication: Lack of appointment confirmations and reminders between staff and patients can lead to misunderstandings, missed appointments, and delays.

    Client management

    • Collecting up-to-date patient information: Making sure you have up-to-date patient records and medical histories can be challenging for private practices and clinics. 
    • Data security: Maintaining patient confidentiality and data security in compliance with healthcare regulations is a constant challenge.
    • Limiting access to patient data: Some members of staff, such as your medical doctors, need access to patient data. Your front of house team don’t. 
    • Patient engagement and education: Ensuring active patient engagement and providing relevant health education materials can be challenging.

    Administrative tasks

    • Paperwork overload: Forms, forms, and more forms. Excessive paperwork and manual documentation can be time-consuming and prone to errors. 
    • Billing and payment: Issues related to accurate billing, insurance claims, and payment processing can impact the financial health of the practice.
    • Staff burnout: If you’re feeling overloaded, chances are your staff are too. Heavy administrative tasks can lead to staff burnout, affecting morale and overall productivity.

    In this blog, we’ll explore the various features and functionalities of Pabau that can help free up precious time for you and your team and get you running more efficienctly.

    1. Streamlined appointment management

    One of the main challenges faced by private practices revolves around managing appointments effectively. And while there are a lot of scheduling tools out there, a lot of them are fairly generic and aren’t designed to handle the needs of healthcare businesses. 

    Pabau plays a transformative role in streamlining appointment management, offering a seamless and efficient experience and, best of all, it’s tailored to your needs.

    Intuitive interface

    Pabau is crafted with an intuitive interface that minimizes the learning curve, allowing practitioners to harness its capabilities without the need for extensive training. 

    Being user-friendly approach is a key component in ensuring that private practices can swiftly integrate the software into their daily routines. With colour coding, drag and drop functionality, and a design that means less clicking around to get to what you need, you’ll save valuable time that might otherwise be spent grappling with complex systems.

    Easy-to-use calendar

    With Pabau, managing appointments goes beyond just the booking stage.  

    Cancellations are something you have to manage and being able to deal with them efficiently is really important. Should a client wish to reschedule for another time, Pabau simplifies the process with its user-friendly drag-and-drop feature. Reschedule, in a click!  

    Additionally, you can create and enforce your cancellation policies effortlessly, thanks to Pabau’s cancellation feature that automatically manages billing for no-shows.

    Automated reminder systems

    While on the topic of no-shows, they can be a significant drain on both time and resources for private practices. Pabau addresses this challenge by incorporating automated reminder systems into its functionality. 

    Through SMS or email notifications, clients receive timely reminders about their upcoming appointments, reducing the likelihood of missed visits. This not only aids in maintaining a consistent client flow but also contributes to the overall efficiency of the practice.

    2. Client data management

    Efficient client data management lies at the core of any successful private practice. 

    In this report, 45% of 300 surveyed practitioners reported frustrating data issues within their practice.

    With Pabau, the staff can effortlessly add new patients into the database and update details for existing ones. This streamlined approach significantly impacts overall efficiency, allowing practitioners to dedicate more time to patient care and less to cumbersome paperwork.

    Here’s how Pabau’s features contribute to time-saving and streamlined operations.

    Go paperless, not just paper-free

    Going paperless just makes things easier for everyone. No more physical files means less chance of losing data, better organization, and faster access to information. You don’t need to root around in a filing cabinet, instead, you can access client records in a couple of clicks. 

    You also save time spent time on tasks like scanning and uploading documents to the system. Clients can sign digital consent form all within Pabau, for example. 

    Electronic medical records (EMR)

    Using digital patient records are also ideal for practitioners working in different places or doing home visits. Being able to check client records from anywhere means they can give the best care no matter where they are – whether that’s in clinic or on the go.   

    Even better, the updates to the EMR happen instantly. Having real-time info helps practitioners stay on top of a client’s latest developments, making decisions more precise and informed.

    Client cards

    Pabau’s client cards – also known as patient records – are like a detailed database.

    They store all the important information about clients – from contact details, next of kin, medical history and previous and upcoming appointments. The client card covers crucial details like medical history, allergies, consent forms, lab results, and past treatments.

    This means you can quickly retrieve all the information you need about a client whenever you need, saving time on searching for records and making client care even better overall.

    3. Online bookings

    Pabau’s online booking system is incredibly customizable so you can transform appointment scheduling and management, while tailoring it to your business requirements. 

    Being able to offer more flexible 24/7 booking is is huge time saver for any private practice. With Pabau, private practices can elevate their appointment management, save hours each week, and provide an efficient experience for clients and practitioners alike.

    Booking (with built in forms)

    The more manual your booking process is, the busier your team will be.

    Pabau helps by automating the distribution of consent forms and medical questionnaires, which means you don’t have to send them out manually. Clients can complete forms in their own time and you’ll have all the information you need before a patient is treated.

    And because you’re not doing it in-clinic, you may even reduce appointment times.

    Deposit and payment protection

    Lots of tools offer deposits, there aren’t many that are as customizable as Pabau.

    As you know, deposits are a key tool to make sure patients commit and keep things financially stable. The Pabau feature is flexible and lets practices set deposits that suit individual clients’ needs or specific services. You can choose different types of deposits – like flat, percentage-based, or full payment deposits – depending on what works best for your practice.

    Flat deposits are straightforward, great for standard services. Percentage-based deposits allow customization based on factors like a patient’s status or the complexity of their treatment. And full payment deposits are convenient, reducing the risk of surprise charges.

    Can handle complex bookings

    What makes Pabau stand out is our ability to support complex healthcare businesses.

    Pabau makes things simple with smooth multi-location management. The system lets you set up multiple locations effortlessly, allowing each site to handle its calendar independently.

    We also make it easy to assign services to specific rooms and equipment, so if  you need to make sure that when a patient books a certain type of treatment the equipment they need is also taken into account. This lowers the risk of double bookings and awkward moments.

    4. Communication and engagement

    Pabau makes client communication easy, giving practices the tools to connect, monitor, and build relationships effortlessly. You can send confirmation and reminder emails and SMS, send automated recalls, and set up targeted campaigns for specific clients.

    The client card also keeps a detailed communication record, making it simple to access all interactions – and whether a client opened their last email from you, or not. 

    Send appointment reminders

    Clients are always going to forget about appointments. It’s just a fact. 

    However, instead of having your team phone up lists of clients to make sure they still plan to attend, you can send appointment confirmations and reminders all via Pabau. Even better, you can send them via email and SMS – so they’re more likely to be seen by clients.

    Self-managed bookings

    Pabau’s client portal is a huge time saver for private practices.

    With this tool, clients can take charge of their appointments easily. For existing clients, the portal is like a direct window to their bookings. They can easily book, reschedule, or cancel their appointments – which means your team doesn’t have to do it manually.

    Access medical information

    You can also set up the client portal so clients can securely access medical information. They can log in and see their lab results, for example, all from one simple platform.

    Clients can also update their medical info and access forms from the client portal, which immediately syncs in the client card so you’re always working with accurate information.

    You can make life easier by selecting specific fields that need to be completed on forms and making certain details as mandatory when scheduling appointments.

    5. Letters

    Not every business needs to send letters, but private practices certainly do.

    And Pabau revolutionizes the way healthcare professionals handle letters. Beyond just streamlining creating, editing, and sending letters, Pabau significantly improves overall communication efficiency within the healthcare ecosystem.

    Use custom fields

    Pabau empowers practitioners to swiftly extract pertinent information from the EMR, eliminating the need for repetitive typing. This not only saves valuable time but also minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual data input.

    For example, instead of having to type out the name of the client, you simply use the custom field to pull in the information from the client record for you. 

    Repeatable macro text

    Always find yourself writing the same phrases over and over?

    You can use macro text – which are just small sections of text – that you and drop into your letters. These work perfectly for repeatable phrases you don’t want to type each time. This elevates overall productivity and contributes to a more streamlined workflow.

    Access to the Pabau network

    Clients using Pabau also get access to the Pabau network.

    This means that patients can be linked with GP or private practice. When a GP then needs to be cc’d into an email, you can do it directly from the system. Another great time saver.

    6. Dictation

    Dictation is a useful tool which can help improve record-keeping of your patient visits. It can lead to saving time in the clinic, reducing errors and improvement in patient care. 

    As a practitioner, typing up medical notes adds hours to your week. Using a dictation tool can help you make the most of time between appointments, and ensures that all information is securely stored in your patient’s record – simplifying the record-keeping process.

    Here are three ways Pabau’s Dictation feature offers transformative benefits…

    Safe and secure

    Being able to articulate your thoughts and treatment notes verbally significantly reduces the manual effort of typing, right? However, if using other recording tools isn’t ideal – especially if you then have to transfer your voice notes from one system to another. 

    Pabau voice notes are created and saved directly in the client record. 

    Enhanced accuracy

    The dictation feature in Pabau is built to handle specific medical terminology.

    With reduced chances of misinterpretation or inaccuracies in patient information, healthcare providers don’t have to spend lots of time correcting their dictations. This, in turn, contributes to a higher standard of care and improved client outcomes. 

    Create letters with AI

    Beyond note-taking, this feature seamlessly integrates into the broader context of client communication. Practitioners can effortlessly turn their dictated voice notes into letters in one simple click. Using PabauAI, your voice note is transformed into a letter in seconds.

    Even better, you can email your letter from directly in the system.

    7. Labs

    Pabau’s lab feature makes managing labs easier and brings lots of time-saving benefits.

    This feature not only digitizes and streamlines lab-related processes, so you always know exactly where you are in the process, it also makes it easier for clients to get their results.

    Quick and reliable communication

    Practitioners using Pabau can effortlessly request and receive lab results digitally, ensuring swift and dependable communication. This eliminates uncertainties associated with traditional delivery methods, providing timely insights into client health.

    Streamlined testing processes

    You can easily order and manage lab tests directly within the Pabau system.

    Our integration with multiple lab providers, like Randox and The Doctors Laboratory, not only broadens testing capabilities but also streamlines the entire lab testing process.

    Lab results are presented in an easily understandable format, enhancing accessibility for practitioners. The automatic storage of results in the client card creates a centralized repository, simplifying access and reference for efficient decision-making.

    Instant client access

    Using the client portal, clients gain immediate access to their lab results via a secure, password-protected portal. If you set up Pabau to enable this of course, that’s up to you!

    However, it eliminates the need for patients to have to call or visit the clinic for results, providing a convenient and timely way for clients to stay informed about their health status.

    8. Prescriptions

    Pabau’s powerful prescription system not only facilitates swift and confident prescribing but also brings a multitude of benefits that medical professionals will appreciate. Using this system, you don’t have to worry about prescribing a drug that isn’t suitable for a patient.

    By simplifying and enhancing the prescription management workflow, Pabau ensures that practitioners can dedicate more time to client care, rather than admin tasks. 

    Prescribe with confidence

    Pabau’s integration with the British National Formulary (BNF) database provides practitioners with accurate, up-to-date drug information. This ensures that healthcare providers have the latest insights at their fingertips so they can make more confident prescription decisions.

    The comprehensive resource of the database equips healthcare providers with a wealth of information, boosting overall prescription confidence. This not only expedites decision-making but also contributes to more precise and tailored prescriptions.

    Pabau further streamlines prescription workflows by offering features such as repeat prescriptions, creating a more efficient and organized prescription management process.

    Flags allergies and contraindications

    Pabau goes beyond precise prescribing by promoting holistic patient care. 

    Through integration with the SNOMED database, practitioners can ensure that client allergies, that are pulled from the client card are noted, and intelligently flag contraindications.

    This dual approach gives practitioners confidence knowing that each prescription is tailored to the individual health profile of the patient. Nothing beats the peace of mind you gain, knowing you have a tool that automatically keeps your client’s history front of mind.

    To sum up

    Given the amount of tasks and responsibilities that private practices juggle daily, effective time management is crucial for success. And the way to do that, really, is through technology.  

    Managing bookings and ensuring you’re collecting client data in a safe and secure manner can significantly impact not just the quality of care but the overall practice success.

    Pabau is an all-encompassing solution that provides an intuitive system for streamlining those pesky daily challenges that will steal hours in your day, again and again. 

    But it doesn’t stop there. With industry specific features, such as letters, labs. dictation and prescriptions, underscore Pabau’s importance as a healthcare tool that just ‘gets’ it.

    It frees up time, worries, and head space. Have you tried it yet?

    What you should do now

    1. Schedule a Demo to see how Pabau can help your team.
    2. Read more clinic management articles in our blog.
    3. If you know someone who’d enjoy this article, share it with them via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.

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