85% of winners at this year’s Aesthetics Awards are Pabau customers – more details here

Before and after photos for Clinics

Before and after photos

Use our photography tool to capture and securely store high-quality photos.

Before and after photos are critical for tracking progress, sharing results, and staying compliant.

Use Pabau’s photo feature to help you:

Retain the quality of your photos. You can zoom in and out and track subtle aesthetic differences

Take, store, and share your photos from one system to protect patient data and boost efficiency

Build taking photos into a repeatable in-clinic journey so that you never forget to take them again

Keep your professional and private life separate – say goodbye to looking for photos on your camera roll

Trusted by 5000+ practices across the world

Created with Fabric.js 5.2.4

Save time, boost revenue, and have more time to focus on clients

Retain quality, show off results

Take photography to the next level in Pabau. Photos are preserved at a high quality, with none of the detail lost.

You can zoom in and out of images, create a progress gallery, or even use our neat comparison slider tool to switch between progress photos.

Save time, work more efficiently

A lack of efficiency can have a huge impact on your business. Stop wasting time transferring photos between systems. 

With Pabau, you can take, store, and share your photos all from one location for a streamlined system that eases the workload on you and your staff.

Never forget photos again

Worried about forgetting to take crucial before photos? Don’t be.

With Pabau, you can use our iOS app on an iPhone or iPad to take photographs when clients arrive for their appointments.

With a series of prompts built into the system as part of the patient journey (which also includes intake forms) they’ll never slip your mind again.

Easily retrievable, when you need them

Retrieve photos quickly and easily, wherever you are, directly from the client card. No more hunting down client photos in your camera roll. 

Neatly organize your client photos in the client card in folders so you can easily find what you’re looking for, whenever you need it.

Stay ahead of compliance issues

Storing photos on your phone isn’t smart (or secure) when it comes to protecting yourself from complaints and compliance issues.

Photos taken within Pabau instantly sync to the client card, with role-based permissions preventing unauthorized access.

Securely share photos with clients

Want to help clients track their progress and stay engaged with their treatment plans? 

Use the photography feature hand in hand with the client portal. Share photos securely so that clients can log in, access their photos, and track their progress and results.

See the before and after photo feature in action

How it works

1. Take before photos on the iPad

When a patient arrives, use the iPad to take photos of them

2. View them in the client card

Photos will be instantly synced in the patient record

3. Create a timeline of progress photos

You can create albums, a timeline, or even a comparison slider!

4. Share the link with your clients

You can securely share photos with clients using the client portal.

More features

Deposits and no-show

Customizable consent

Automated pre-care
and aftercare emails


More features

Deposits and no-show

Automated pre-care
and aftercare emails

Customisable consent


Who it’s for

More features

Deposits and no-show

Customizable consent

Automated pre-care
and aftercare emails


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Case studies

Read our latest case studies to discover how our customers are using Pabau to save time, reduce admin tasks, and get back to doing what they do best – treating patients.

Help guides

Head to our Knowledge Base to find hundreds of helpful how-to articles that will walk you through how to do pretty much anything you want to do in the system.

Compare pages

Want to see how Pabau stacks up next to the competition? Head to our compare pages to take a closer look at our features next to other practice management software.


Storing client photos in a camera roll isn’t best practice. For one, It means they’re hard to find if you need them. Secondly, it blurs the boundaries between your professional life and your personal life. It’s also not best practice when it comes to data protection.

There are a couple of ways to do this. You can add them via Pabau or from a third party device via the client record. Alternatively, you can take photos via the Pabau GO iOS app.

These can be taken before every client appointment as part of our step-by-step patient journey. Any photos taken via the app will be synced to the system in real time, without the need to transfer between devices.

Efficiency is crucial for any business, including med spas. Using a photography feature, like the one in Pabau, makes it easier for you to document patient progress, track treatment outcomes, and share that information – securely – with your clients.

Images are compressed when added to Pabau, however, they are stored at high quality. To access the full resolution, simply download them.

Patient privacy is paramount in healthcare. Of course, med spas and other healthcare businesses need assurances that any photos taken or stored within the practice management solution are secure and compliant with regulations.

With Pabau, we use role-based permission settings so that the only people who have access to client records – and therefore photos – are authorized personnel. For example, you can restrict access to client records so that any non-medics are not able to access them.

The photo feature is built into Pabau and we charge a monthly subscription fee to use our software. However, it’s important to note that we don’t charge any additional storage fees for saving photos in Pabau. You can store as many photos in the system as you need.

Pabau is an all-in-one practice management software designed for med spas, private practices, and other healthcare and wellness businesses.

Our software is built to handle the end-to-end patient journey, with online booking, forms, EMR, reporting, and more.

Ready to see how Pabau can
help your practice grow?