“It does everything, literally”: How Pabau helped this solo practitioner focus on the things that matter

Emma Beider is the owner and director of Kingswood Aesthetics, which offers non-surgical treatments like injectables and micro-needling.

With a decade of experience as a paramedic, Emma decided to pursue her passion to run her own business and ventured into aesthetics. However, as a team of one, she faced challenges around managing bookings, intake forms, client records, and other tasks.

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Key features:

Pabau app and going paperless

The problem

Managing everything alone

Emma knew she needed to get practice management software up and running quickly to be able to run her business as a solo practitioner.

She tried several solutions, but they either relied on paper or were too simplistic. As she was doing everything herself, she needed a cost-effective, paperless and comprehensive system. In short, she needed something to help her managing her business single-handedly.

It was just me. I was basically selling me and I needed to be supported in that.

Value for money was essential

Being quite early in the business, Emma also needed to get value for her money. 

Any big ticket purchases needed to make sense financially and deliver a clear return on her investment. Additionally, she was also looking for something easy to use and that had good customer service.

I came to Pabau at a time when I was always looking at the finances. You’re living on beans on toast in the business world and you’ve got to watch those pennies. It was really important to me that I was getting value for money.

How Pabau helps small to medium aesthetic clinics

It takes care of everything, all from one log in

Manage client records and intake forms with just a few clicks

You can ditch pen and paper and switch to digital patient records

Track the client journey with the iPad app

Why she chose Pabau

It does everything

When Emma came across Pabau in 2020, it ticked all the boxes because it did everything she was looking for. She immediately knew it was a great match. 

Recommended by peers and known in the industry for supporting both small and large clinics, Pabau met all her needs.

I wanted a CRM quite early on. Pabau seemed to be the full ticket. Whatever I asked, ‘Do you do this? Do you do that?’ The answer was always ‘Yes, yes, yes.

It can be accessed from anywhere

Emma knew Pabau was the only solution she needed to grow her business. It was easy to use but comprehensive enough to support her. On top of that, she could find everything she needed —client records, her schedule, forms — at her fingertips.

I needed something in my pocket, something that was easy to access on my computer, something that was going to support what I needed to be doing, and Pabau was the only one that could offer that.

It feels really good to be with a system that I know is supporting me and growing with me.

You can go fully paper-free

It was crucial for Emma to be able to work paper-free, but there weren’t many competitor options that delivered on this. Pabau was the only one that allowed her to get rid of paper completely and completely digitalize her workflow from the get-go.

The choices were: a type of CRM which didn’t quite do everything and which I’d still need paper for. Or, I could go all-in on paper, or I go fully digital straight away. 

For me, it was a no-brainer that from the beginning, even if it was going to cost, I got the best CRM that I could from the beginning.

What sold it to her

The app was the thing that made Emma sign on the dotted line. She could pull up client files, enter treatment details, and do all her admin from any device and from anywhere, with just a few clicks.

Pabau was the only one that offered me an app on my phone. I can look at customers, see whether they’d filled out forms, and make bookings.

The results

1. Pabau does everything for her

Because it is so comprehensive, Emma uses Pabau in every aspect of her work. From online bookings, patient check-in, managing patient files, automatically sending forms, and processing payments, Pabau just takes care of it. We’re working on sweeping floors 😉

The thing that stood out about it was that it did everything. Unfortunately, I can’t get it to sweep the floors. But do you know what? It nearly does everything else.

2. Enhanced customer experience

Emma’s patients book through the online booking portal in Pabau, they manage their appointments in the client portal and receive intake and consent forms automatically when an appointment is booked, ensuring nothing is missed.

So the whole process of booking and checking in clients lasts only minutes and a few clicks. It enhanced the client journey and allows Emma to focus her energy on her clients.

It’s so quick, so you can’t put a number on it because it’s just easy. It’s the touch of a few buttons.

3. Automated forms keep her mind at ease

Collecting patient information efficiently, while staying compliant, is one of the many complexities in the aesthetics industry. 

The fact that Pabau sends forms automatically is really helpful, considering she needs several forms to be sent at different times. 

Emma just creates the forms once, sets when they should be sent, links them to the treatments, and lets the system do the rest.

You can add your own forms or you can use new forms because, obviously, in the medical world, you need to make sure that you’re conforming to everything you need to lawfully. So you need consent, you need automatic forms to be sent.


It’s not just ‘your appointment is tomorrow’. You need several forms to be sent at different times, which is a difficult thing for a management report tool to do.

4. Acts as a step-by-step guide

One of the Pabau features Emma found the most valuable is the client journey on the iPad, which prompts you for key information. 

When a client arrives, it takes Emma through each step of the treatment process and reminds her what’s to be done next:

  1. Complete intake form and questionnaire
  2. Make sure everything is signed
  3.  Take before photographs

It basically takes me through my consultation in a way that helps me remember. Oh, I better remember to take photos. Oh, I better remember to talk about that part of the consent before we get them to sign it.

Pabau also ensures that all steps are done in order and that you have everything you need before starting the treatment, which helps Emma stay compliant and not miss anything.

And then the way the system works is the step-wise approach that it gives you. If you haven’t filled out those forms and done the consent, it won’t take you to photos. And if you haven’t done photos, you can’t then go onto the treatment plan.

5. Helps to keep up with industry trends

Having the support of technology designed specifically for the medi-aesthetic industry, Emma can keep up with the fast-changing trends and demands. With Pabau, she can create vouchers, allow clients to book packages, and offer loyalty points and rewards.

I think Pabau is really good for aesthetic clinics, healthcare clinics, and med spas. They’re able to recognize where we’re going, and I think that’s the key nowadays because things are changing in this world so quickly that even the ones that are in it, like me, struggle to keep up.

6. You can access guides and resources to help you grow

Of course, no software is any use if you struggle to use it! Emma continuously uses Pabau’s Academy to learn how to make the most out of the system and work more efficiently.

Pabau have got an academy, so if you’re not sure of something, you can quickly go online and find out how to do it. There’s step-by-step [guides] or videos.

We can easily implement new treatments, which is exactly what I mean by it grows with me.

7. An easier way to do finances and stock management

Emma is also one of the early adopters of our card terminals.

Pabau’s integrated finance tools and Pabau Pay card terminal help her manage her finances and streamline payment processing — pretty useful as she also does all that by herself too.

She also found the stock management feature quite convenient, which is next on her to-do list to implement.

Using card terminals with Pabau has been really interesting because what I’ve found is that it’s enabled me to really not worry about the finances going into the system.

Leaving… and coming back to Pabau

Of course, there are many other software solutions out there and it’s not been completely smooth sailing with Emma’s experience

Emma did want to test the water a while ago and see what other solutions were out there. But, luckily for us, she quickly saw that the grass wasn’t greener on the other side.

After a brief stint with another system, Emma realized it lacked essential features and quickly returned to Pabau.

They said, we don’t want to lose you, what can we do not to lose you? The Pabau team made it easy for me to need to come back, purely because the other system just couldn’t cut the mustard.

Key takeaway

You can focus on things that matter

Being a one-person aesthetic business isn’t short of challenges.

Pabau has not only supported her in the critical early stages of launching her business but continues to grow with her, helping her stay on track with her goals.

“It’s helped grow my business because I’ve been able to concentrate on the things that need to be concentrated on, not having to worry about admin all the time. 

“Finances, marketing, and getting patients need to be the priorities of a growing business, not whether you’ve put the right things in the system and how you’ve done it.” 

“I would recommend Pabau because it does everything, literally. What clinic wouldn’t want that?”