Client portal for Clinics

Client portal

Collect intake forms, reduce bottlenecks, and engage patients with our client portal.


A client portal is key to winning back time for your team and enhancing the client experience.

Use Pabau’s client portal to help you:

Create a frictionless booking experience where clients can book, cancel, and reschedule appointments

Effortlessly collect intake forms and medical questionnaires – and go paperless in the process

Enable clients to securely access key medical information such as lab results, medical history, and more

Customize it to your practice by easily switching on or off the information clients have access to

Save time, boost revenue, and have more time to focus on clients

Reduce operational bottlenecks

Using a client portal instantly frees up your front-of-house team. 

They can spend less time taking appointments over the phone, printing off intake forms, and updating medical information – because it can all be done digitally, before they arrive.

Create a frictionless booking experience

Unlock 24/7 bookings and can take bookings as you work. Customers can log in and book appointments whenever suits them – instead of being limited to having to book during office hours. Crucially, they can also reschedule or cancel appointments from the client portal.

Paper-free and stress-free form collection

Never worry about having up-to-date medical information again. Clients can complete intake and medical questionnaires in the portal, which immediately syncs to the client card. If you wish, you can require forms to be completed before a booking can be made.

Engage and empower clients in their treatment journey

Make it easy for clients to be engaged in their treatment. 

Clients can securely view before and after photos, review email communications such as pre-care and aftercare instructions, packages, past and future appointments, and lots more. 

They can even add allergies and medical conditions if you wish.

Securely share results with clients

Securely share progress photos and lab reports with the clients via the client portal, so patients don’t need to rebook or call. They get their results quicker, and your team doesn’t need to make unnecessary phone calls or appointments. It’s a win for your team and it’s a win for the client.

Tailor the portal to your own needs

Every clinic is different. The great part about this client portal is how customizable it is. Want clients to phone the practice to cancel or schedule? Not keen on making lab reports available? No problem. 

You can do this by simply toggling settings on or off.

Monitor new user registrations using the dashboard

Want to track how your client portal is being used? 

Use the dashboard to monitor new registrations and active users, specific to each clinic location, so you know how who’s actively engaged and how many people are registering each month.

See the client portal feature in action

How it works

1. Head to the client portal in Pabau

Customize the look and feel of the portal with your brand colours

2. Select your required fields

Choose the information you want to collect from registering clients

3. Choose what clients have access to

Enable or disable the features so clients can only access what you want them to

4. Share the link with your clients

Make sure your clients know you have a client portal and how they can use it!

More features

Deposits and no-show

Customizable consent

Automated pre-care
and aftercare emails


More features

Deposits and no-show

Automated pre-care
and aftercare emails

Customisable consent


Who it’s for

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Case studies

Read our latest case studies to discover how our customers are using Pabau to save time, reduce admin tasks, and get back to doing what they do best – treating patients.

Help guides

Head to our Knowledge Base to find hundreds of helpful how-to articles that will walk you through how to do pretty much anything you want to do in the system.

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Many client portals offer online appointment scheduling functionality, which means patients can book appointments at their convenience – without having to call your practice. It’s a great way to free up your front-of-house team and empower clients to self-manage appointments.

This question comes up a lot when it comes to patient portals.

The thing is, if a client is going to cancel, they’re going to cancel. You may as well have a system in place that allows them to do that rather than simply dealing with no-shows. That way, the appointment slot is free for someone else to book and you haven’t lost revenue.

Patients can typically access a variety of information through the patient portal, including any communications from your clinic, lab results, appointment schedules, invoices, and more – depending on the specific services offered by the med spa or healthcare business.

The great thing about the Pabau patient portal is you can decide what patients see or don’t see. Simply toggle the features on and off for a fully customized view.

Yes. Clients aren’t able to free-type any allergies, instead, they will choose allergies from the BNF drug database using our integration. Any allergies that are added will be synced with their client record so you always have up-to-date information on their file.

Of course, if you don’t want this to be possible, you can switch it off.

Yes, patient portals are mobile-friendly and can be accessed from any device through a web browser.

Pabau is a practice management software designed for GPs and MDs, medi aesthetic and med spa practitioners, and other healthcare professionals. Our software is built to handle the end-to-end patient journey, with online booking, forms, EMR, reporting, and more

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